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Affinity's Blog

Thank you for visiting our blog! We hope you enjoy and find this helpful. 


Affinity is Out & About!

Our Out & About classes and private lessons are designed to promote safe, positive exposure that won't flood your dogs with stimuli they can't cope with. We have carefully chosen locations that are mildly busy, so they can have positive exposure to things like cars, bicycles, trucks, busses, people, dogs, and other animals. You will learn how you can easily support and help your dogs with effective and safe handling techniques and Control Unleashed pattern games in different  environments, to promote our three Cs: connection, communication and confidence. As one of the few Certified Control Unleashed Instructors in New York State, this is totally exclusive to this area.
These classes or lessons can be appropriate for puppies, fearful dogs, high arousal dogs.
Evaluation may be required to determine the best way to help you and your dog. Check our Lessons page for the schedule or bark at us for more info. 

How can you easily implement choice to promote agency?

Using a start button with your dog is a good way to see if he or she wants to do something. Offering simple choices throughout the day can be a good way to see if your dog has interest in a certain type of food, an activity. This will lead to so much more and is part of the foundation we teach to encourage your dog to think.  This will also improve communication and trust between you and your dog. 

Here I offer my dog a choice between spinach or kale, and she chooses one
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